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Blacks in I/O Psychology


2024 - 2026 Recruitment

The BIOP Board of Directors is comprised of officers responsible for defining policies, managing growth, and advancing the mission, vision and goals of BIOP. By serving on the BIOP Board, directors exercise a major impact on the strategic direction of the organization. 

2024 - 2026 OPEN POSITIONS


Vice Chair

The Vice Chair carries out special assignments as requested by the chair and fills in for the Chair if necessary. Produces, coordinates, or delegates coordination of programs or events on behalf of Blacks in I/O.


The Treasurer keeps track of the organization's financial condition and works with the Chair to lead the development of the annual budget. He or she must understand financial accounting for nonprofit organizations and ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the board on a timely basis. The treasurer also reviews the annual audit, and answers board member questions about the audit, and provides regular updates to the board about the annual audit and budget.

Communications Chair - FILLED

The Communications Committee Chair attends all board meetings and is responsible for maintaining complete and accurate meeting minutes. The communications chair will be responsible for fielding emails that come into the BIOP gmail account box. This role is well-suited for individuals aspiring to serve on the board in the future and seeking an opportunity for practical experience and skill development.


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