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Blacks in I/O Psychology



BIOP is seeking scholarship applications to recognize and encourage the achievements of full-time graduate students pursuing a degree in industrial and organizational psychology.

Scholarship Information

Below are three award opportunities for students who may have contributed to increasing BIOP's mission, vision and goals. Each of the following scholarships has a specific purpose and selection criteria. We kindly ask that students do not apply for any scholarship(s) for which you do not qualify.

General Scholarship Eligibility Requirements: 

  • Must be a member of Blacks in I/O for at least one year
  • Current graduate student (Master’s Degree or PhD) at an accredited higher education institution 
  • Undergraduate/Graduate Degree(s) from accredited higher education institution  
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (requires transcript review. If you are currently enrolled in your first semester of graduate studies, please submit the most recent school record available)
  • Updated curriculum vitae / resume
  • Response to the essay prompt (see prompts below)

Additional Requirements & Essay Prompts

CMA Global Scholarship: 

  • Applicant must be Black/African American
  • Requirement of involvement in community and/or leadership activities.
  • Essay Prompt (in 500 words or less): In order for a business to be successful, a leader must ensure that their employees clearly understand the mission, vision, and values of not only the business, but the people as well. Please provide a time in which you lead a team or project and how you leverage your strengths and growth areas in the process.

DCI Consulting Scholarship:

    • Must have successfully completed one full year of academic studies at the Master's or PhD level.
    • Previous activity in BIOP initiatives will be considered (i.e., committee volunteers, mentors/mentees, event attendees, etc.).
    • Essay Prompt (in 500 words or less): Discuss the role you hope to play as an academic and/or practitioner in fostering a diverse and equitable IO community. Please use past experience and/or examples in academia or practice to support the role you hope to play.

BIOP Visibility and Innovation Scholarship: $500 stipends 

  • Applicant must be Black/African American
  • Please outline an innovative initiative that could be implemented (or improved) in Black in I/O to increase the visibility of the organization. In your response, please include 1-2 sentences to describe your idea and its purpose, how it will increase visibility, the desired/anticipated outcome of the implemented (or improved) initiative and how you would measure success. Must be no longer than one page.

Application Information:

  • Complete all required parts of the application in order for you to submit your application.

  • Essay:
    • Each of the scholarships requires an essay – please make sure that you submit the essay. You can compose your essay and upload it onto the online application. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.
    • Essays must be single-spaced with a blank line between paragraphs; one-inch margins (left, right, top, bottom); and a 12-point font size in a True Type Font Setting (such as Times New Roman or Arial)
    • The following file name format must be used for essay submissions:
        • BIOP CMA Scholarship Application Essay_First Name_Last Name
        • BIOP DCI Scholarship Application Essay_First Name_Last Name
        • BIOP Visibility and Innovation Scholarship Application Essay_First Name_Last Name
  • Uploads:
    • File types that will be accepted include pdf, word, and excel formatted documents.
    • The application requires several uploaded documents. The following file types will NOT be accepted: msg, tex, zip, odt, html, pages, exe, jar, cmd, and jpeg.
  • Tips:
    • Please add the email address to your safe sender email list. All correspondence will be done via this email and it is important that you receive all emails.

You may not apply to both the CMA and DCI scholarships; however, you may apply to one (DCI or CMA) and also the BIOP Visibility and Innovation Scholarship.

Deadline / Due Date:

  • Application Period & Deadline: May 1st - June 15th, 2024

Application Link:

 Click here for BIOP Scholarship Application


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